How did we get here? Are you confused like the rest of us?
A few days ago I published a podcast interview with Chris Crouch, a brilliant business mind and founder of Happy Valley, a popular retail store in Melbourne. At the start of our chat, Chris remarked that 2020 has been so crazy that, "I've literally lost track of time like days and months. I know we're in September, but I wouldn't know what day it is... I feel this year is really...surreal is probably the best word to describe it. I just feel like I know that this is going to end at some stage, but at the moment it doesn't feel like it will ever end. I mean, the idea that we're in September already just blows my mind."
It blows mine too and you only have to look at posts on social (like this one from the wonderful @pottymouthmama) to know that many of us in small biz are feeling the same; time in 2020 has been both exaggerated and sped up. The hours are long and the days can dragggg, but the weeks seem to fly by and somehow it's already October...
How did this happen?
Where has this year gone?
Perhaps, another question we could ask, is:
What might I do with the time I have left?
Depending on where in the world you read this blog, you will have between 100 and 101 days left of 2020.
Now, that’s still a decent chunk of time to dive into something you really wanted to get done this year. Or, in the words of the fine young Deni Hines in 1992, "It''s not over til it's over".
What did you want to do in 2020?
How might you still do that?
In October this year I was supposed to fly (solo! #IKnowParentalDream) to NYC for the Fast Company conference, then on to stay with my beautiful uncle in North Carolina. Earlier in October I was going to run the Melbourne 10K with my husband. I've done this a number of times and at the end, you finish up doing a lap inside the MCG which, cheesy as it may sound, is brilliant. Now, I can't do anything about the US trip and I have been SLACKKKKKKK when it comes to training for the 10K (which, not surprisingly, has been cancelled) but I figure 100 days is enough time to get back into running. So, in this next 100 days I'm going to make running a focus.
In my business, I have a few areas that I feel could do with tightening up, so I'm going to focus on completing those over the next 100 days.
This whole idea isn't about adding more to our plates or adding a bunch of "shoulds" to what you might do, it's about looking at what's possible rather than focusing on what's been lost.
How about you?
How will you use the next 100 days?
What might you focus on?
What will you commit to?
It could be little. It could be huge. It could just be something to calm that thought that niggles at the back of your mind or it could be life changing.
Need help? Consider using this free little 100-Day Plan PDF I've made, to help you map your ideas out. Start with the end in mind, i.e., what you would liked to have done / completed by the end of the year, then work back. What would that mean a week out? Three weeks out? 10 weeks out?
What do you want to happen?
How can you break this down into smaller steps so that it actually does?
2020 has been a rollercoaster — emotionally, financially, socially, mentally. How might you take back a little control and finish the year in a little better position that perhaps you thought you would?