Episode 203: How to download your IG & FB data

As business owners, we take all these photos and create all these graphics. In today's episode, Fiona shares a quick tip on how you can save or backup all of the content you are sharing on social media. Tune in!

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • How to download date on IG & FB

  • Ideas where you can save the downloaded data

  • Conclusion

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Resources and Recommendations mentioned in this episode:

Hello and welcome to episode 203 of the My Daily Business coach podcast. Today you are listening to a quick tip episode, and this is definitely one that you're going to want to bookmark. And if you're in a position to do so, take some notes, or you can just find the podcast show notes, which you'll find at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/203. It's definitely one that you're gonna wanna come back to. So just if you need to press pause and go and get something, so the, you can write some notes. That will be fine. Obviously, I will not know if you've paused or not so if you have paused welcome back, and if you haven't, let's just keep going. So it is a quick tip episode. That's really where I share a tip tool or tactic. And as I said today, it is a really important one.

So definitely especially if you use social media and who doesn't these days for their business, but before I get stuck into that, I just want to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians on this land, on which I record this podcast. The Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and I pay my respects to their elders, past, present, and emerging, and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. And I also pay my respects to any other elders past, present, and emerging who may be tuning in or around today from other indigenous cultures around the world. Welcome. All right. Let's get stuck into today's quick tip episode.

All right. So as I said, if you use social media, this is definitely a tip for you, and it is a tip. Would I say it's a tool or tactic? It's probably a tactic and a tip, but it is really important. So if you haven't listened to episode 201, I talked about Google Authenticator and that is kind of a two-step verification app that you can use when using third party platforms, whether they're payment systems like Paypal, Stripe, or whether it's an accounting system or software or it's social media or anything else, it can really help you just feel that bit more secure about using these platforms and all the kind of cybersecurity issues that are going on in the world. Now, one of the things that I talked about in that episode was an example of somebody that I knew who got hacked on social media.

And not only did they lose access to 30 or 40,000 followers overnight, but they also lost all the photos that they had been putting up. And they were a product-based business. So a lot of incredible photos were put on there, and I know how easy that would be to do. I mean, we all take, I mean, there's so much content isn't there. We take all these photos, we create all these graphics. And often you're putting them onto a platform like Instagram or Facebook or TikTok, or all the different platforms out there. And we are not saving those anywhere. And you can get into a habit of just sort of downloading them from Canva or InDesign or whatever it is, or just snapping a photo as you go and putting it in. I know I'm always doing that.

I love walking around the North Warrandyte where I live. I go for many walks in the morning. I'm always taking photos and putting them on Instagram. And sometimes they're beautiful photos. I mean, I'm not a photographer, but like the iPhone and Instagram, filters can make everything look really good, not even a filter. I mean, Warrandyte, where I'm so lucky to live is just beautiful, but I take lots of these photos and then sometimes I forget to save them. I'm literally taking them inside the app. And so I'm not saving them. And this can happen to everyone. So want to talk about today is downloading your data and it might be something that you don't even know that you can do. So I wanted to talk about it in relation to Facebook and Instagram. So if you are somebody who is regularly taking photos and putting them up on these platforms and not saving them into your camera roll, or maybe saving anywhere else, the iCloud, whatever it is, there are ways to download this information so that forbid you to get hacked.

You are not losing the actual original content that you have created. So I'll go through Instagram first. And if you have a phone and you are in a position where you're not driving, you're not doing so I think really important. I mean, you are, you're listening to this podcast, but the way that you can access, this is literally you go to your profile. You go to the three bars at the top, otherwise known as a hamburger menu and you tap them. So they are on the top right and you'll click it and you'll see things like settings, your activity, archive, insight, and saved. And you go to your activity. So that's the one with the little clock symbol. You tap on that and you'll have to scroll down and right at the bottom, download your information button is hard to find.

And it says, download a copy of the information you shared with Instagram, and that will actually download everything. So it'll download your messages. It'll download the, I'm not sure actually if it downloads the people that follow you and you follow them, it'll download imagery, a lot of stuff. So you'll click that. And then what you do is you put in an email for downloading this information and you hit request download. Now, if you are set up with two-factor authentication, it'll often ask you to go through that or to log in using that, just so that it knows nobody else is in there trying to hack your information, but it'll take, I don't know if it took, I've done this. So I do this every couple of months and it might take like for half a day or a couple of hours or something, and it gives you a link and basically, then it's like a WeTransfer.

And then you download from that link. And that link is available for maybe three days or it's not available for long. So once you do it, you wanna make sure that you can download it and you may need to have like a USB or a portable drive or something else to put it on. Cuz it is quite big. Well, mine is quite big, but that's because I have lots of images. And so that is a really important thing to do. And then on Facebook, it is very similar. And again these platforms do not make it really clear that this is something you can even do. So on a desktop or I think it would work on a phone as well, but you can just go to facebook.com, log in and then go to your settings. And then in the settings, you tap, download a copy of your Facebook data and then tap download archive.

And it'll take a little while for you to be able to get the information about this. But once it does, it'll kind of send you an alert and say your archive is ready to download. And then again, you just need to download it. It'll go into a zip file, which you then have to like double click on to open. And again, you may wanna put that on a portable hard drive or somewhere else because most of the time, I really hope that people aren't getting hacked. I hope, if I'm not gonna get hacked, I feel like after I'm doing all these episodes, I'm here to share and help. So that comes first. So you wanna make sure that basically, you're putting it somewhere. That's not gonna use up a whole lot of your space and storage.

So I have a portable hard drive. That's where I keep this stuff. So that should I need photos or should I need certain things again, I can go in and find them. So that is it today on how to download your data on Instagram and Facebook. If you need information about that again, you can find the full show notes, including all those steps that I've just mentioned over at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/203, as this is episode 203. And I would really love to know if this has helped you, if this is something that you do regularly if this is something you didn't even know existed, please send me a DM. I'm @mydailybusinesscoach, or you can email us at hello@mydailybusinesscoach.com. And just before I go, one quick favor, if this episode has helped you or any of the other episodes have helped you, I would love it so much.

If you could do one of two things or if you are feeling really generous, you could do both things. One is to send this to another small business owner and perhaps this episode might really, really help them, or it could be any one of the other 200 plus episodes that we have out there. Or if you don't feel like doing that please leave a review. It just really helps this podcast get found by other small business owners around the world. And if you are finding it useful, hopefully, other people will find it useful as well. And when we look at our analytics and we look at the places that this podcast is being downloaded, it's literally across the world now. And it is so exciting to think that I am helping some person that's out there who perhaps may not have the access or the opportunity to access different education materials, or maybe work with a business coach or all sorts of things.

And this is my way of helping along with, through my free Sunday email. And so if you can leave a review, it just means that those people that are looking from all over the world for tips and ideas may see our podcast come up and then hopefully get helped and find access and opportunity through it. So I would be so honored. If you could leave a review or even just hit the stars, it just helps other people find us, and you can do that, not just on Apple, but also on Spotify as well now. So thank you so much for listening. As I said, all the show notes will be over at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/203. I'll see you next time. Bye. 

Thanks for listening to the My Daily Business coach podcast. If you wanna get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram @mydailybusinesscoach.


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