Episode 347: What's in your reset toolkit

In this episode, Fiona brings you a quick tip that you can put into action right away. She also discusses the power of resetting in your business. Tune in!

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • How businesses often react to setbacks and missed goals

  • The concept of resetting in business and its importance

  • Building your personal reset toolkit to navigate challenges effectively

  • Strategies for pausing and refocusing during stressful times

  • The benefits of taking dedicated time for strategic planning and resetting

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Resources and Recommendations mentioned in this episode:

Welcome to episode 347 of the My Daily Business Podcast. Today is a quick tip episode, and that's where I share a tip, tool or tactic that you can implement immediately. This one derives from something a little unusual in terms of these podcasts. I'll get stuck into that shortly. Before I do, I want to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the beautiful land on which I record this podcast, and that is the Wurrung and Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. And I pay my respects to their elders, past, and present, and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. Let's get into today's quick tip episode.

It's always interesting to me how these tips or ideas sometimes come to be. Recently I was at a basketball game for my son. He is good at basketball, he plays basketball, he loves basketball, most importantly, and I was watching him play against this team. My son's team was number two, this team was number one. My husband and I and another friend on the bench, were talking about the strategy of this other team. One thing as we watched them and the game progressed, was that the team kept resetting. Whenever they were close to getting a goal, they would reset, as it was almost like the team knew where their positions were around the key. I go to basketball and I watch basketball, but I'm not an expert at it. If I'm using the wrong terminology, please forgive me.

But it would almost like one of them would understand that they needed to reset and then almost give a signal, and then everyone would reset. They got into their different positions, they would find a gap, then they would try for the goal again, and they would get it so many times. We were looking at the coach, maybe he was a retired NBA. They were so strategic for young kids. Normally when you're watching kids, they they try and get the ball, they try and get it into the hoop, but then they try and get it down the other side. It's a pretty basic game. I know I'm going to get flack from that from somebody. It's not basic, but you know what I mean.

Seeing this strategic team play, reminded me how often in business we can be, let's say going for the hoop, we can be going for the shot and we don't get it. What we can do is then go down this spiral of, I didn't get it because of this, rather than as this team did reset. What does it take in your business to reset? Maybe something's happened, maybe a client or customer has pulled out of something that you thought was going to go ahead. Maybe you launched something and it didn't do as well as you'd hoped. Maybe you thought you were going to win this award and you didn't come close. At those moments, it's like these kids who went for the shot didn't get it, but instead of getting down and letting the morale go within seconds, they reset.

Firstly, that coach obviously has done some amazing work there, but we can all do that. We can all be our own coach in terms of our business and think about how we reset. When things are maybe not going the way that we had hoped, what things do we need in our reset toolkit? For example, you may think, for whatever reason, this thing didn't work, it didn't hit the metrics that I wanted it to hit, that would've told me it was a success. Where is the reset? That reset might look like taking half a day out of your business and going back to why are you in business. What are the goals that you have for this business? What does the next 12 months look like? What are your revenue streams? Where are things coming from right now?

Where is your marketing needed the most? Those things can help you. As I said, it might be half a day out of your office or out of your store to reset these things. It may be that in your personal life, you need to reset some stuff. It might be that you are not spending any time with the people that you wanted to, or not spending enough time with people that you love. It might be that you need a reset in terms of the food that you're eating. It might be that I just need to carve out a bit of time and meal prep and get things ready so I feel a bit more organized in the day. It could be all sorts of things, but I think today's topic is thinking about what is in your reset.

Just like that team had their players on the court, each one of those players knew where to stand, knew where their reset position was. You want to think about in your toolkit, are there different areas that need to be reset? For example, if I was to work with a client on this, and let's say they were feeling that things were difficult or that they weren't getting where they wanted to be, we would come back to their money. We would look at their revenue streams. Where are things not working? Where are things broken? We would look at their systems, we would look at their mindset, and we would look at their values and beliefs and how aligned or misaligned their actions right now are to those values and beliefs. Whatever way you do it, you may look at your reset and be like, I need to carve out time and I need to go through what are my goals for this business.

Why am I even in business? What are my values and beliefs? What does my marketing plan look like? What does my revenue stream plan look like? Reset and come back to the core of what it is that you need to do in order to feel better in your business, and in your personal life. As I said, it may be, I need to come back to doing a certain amount of exercise, meal prepping, or at least making time to make proper food rather than rushing to eat crap or snacks or just not eating at all. It might be spending time with family or getting out into nature or whatever that reset looks like. But looking at this team and how every time they didn't get the goal, or even when they were close to getting the goal, if there was too much defence happening from our team, they were incredible in this reset structure that just kept happening throughout the whole game.

They thrashed us that they were just strategic, but that reset was everything. At one point I heard their coach yell out, “Reset.” It must be something that they're trained in. It just made me feel like in terms of business, there are always times when we will feel stressed and overwhelmed and that everything is out of control. It's about at that point, pausing. Unless you are like a surgeon or an anesthetist or somewhere that you're literally dealing with life and death, most business owners can pause. Pause for an hour to consider this stuff, pause for a certain amount of time to come back, and figure out what I need to be in my reset toolkit. How can I do that? How can I take whether it's an hour, whether it's half a day, whether it's the weekend, whether it is a full day at some point, and be like, “What am I doing?”

My friend Natasha Ace and I often used to take a hotel room for the day and just go through on a quarterly basis, what have we done? What have we learned from our businesses, what have we got planned? What is coming up? Do these strategy days. Recently she was saying, “We need another strategy day.” I was like, “We do,” which is a chance to reset again. Whatever way you do it, it's just important to consider doing it and figuring out what is going to be in that reset toolkit. That is it for today's quick tip episode. If you want to connect, you can do so at @mydailybusiness_ or @mydailybusiness on TikTok or Instagram with the underscore. Or you can email us at hello@mydailybusiness.com. If you found this useful, I would love it so much if you could share it with a friend, potentially they need to reset at the moment and maybe something in this podcast today is going to help them. Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you next time. Bye.


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