Episode 500: How I got my podcast to 500 episodes!

Consistency compounds. Each episode might not change the world or change someone's business, but 500 episodes later, this cognitive impact is undeniable.

In this milestone 500th episode of My Daily Business Podcast, host Fiona Killackey reflects on her podcasting journey, shares behind-the-scenes insights on her production process, and explains her decision to introduce selective advertising after 499 ad-free episodes. Fiona reveals the systems and processes that enabled her to maintain consistency over hundreds of episodes, discusses the unexpected business benefits of podcasting, and expresses gratitude to her listeners for their continued support.

In this episode, Fiona discusses:

  1. The truth about AI: While Fiona embraces tools like Poppy AI for podcast production, she emphasises that technology is a supplement, not a replacement for genuine human connection with your audience.

  2. Your journey and story matter most: Throughout 500 episodes, Fiona's personal experiences and authentic voice have been the most powerful aspects of her brand—something no AI can replicate.

  3. Practical integration: Fiona demonstrates how she uses AI for content planning, show notes, and keyword optimisation while ensuring her unique perspective remains central.

  4. Staying true to yourself: Even with technological assistance, Fiona's commitment to her values (like only promoting products she genuinely uses) shows how to keep your business aligned with your authentic self.

This episode offers valuable insights on reclaiming your passion while leveraging technology as an enhancing tool rather than letting it overshadow what makes your business uniquely yours.

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Fiona Killackey:

 Hello and welcome to episode 500 of the My Daily Business Podcast. Yes, you heard that, right? 500 episodes. I cannot believe I'm. Saying that number out loud. I mean, that is countless weeks, years of showing up consistently here every single week, twice a week to share quick tips on Tuesdays and either a coaching or an interview episode on Thursdays.

So before we dive in. I wanna be transparent. I've been transparent for every single other episode of this. Today we are going to run an ad. We have never ever said yes to advertising. We have had so many companies reach out to advertise on this podcast, and I've always been very strict that we say no.

And that if we do ever advertise, it will be with a company we absolutely believe in. And so I. Stand by that and today you will hear the very first ad on the My Daily Business podcast, and it's for a company that has absolutely changed the game in my business over the last few months since I started using them.

And I really hope that you listen to the ad and if you are needing this, that you jump in because not only are they advertising and yeah, that's great, but they are actually really good people and they have an incredible platform. So here it is.

I have tested dozens of AI tools, but only one. There is only one that I feel really feels like it's reading my mind.  Poppy AI doesn't just repurpose my content, it captures my exact voice while cutting my workload in half. It's planned my meals under budget. It's optimized my exercise routine through perimenopause, and it's become my team's secret weapon. After 500 podcast episodes.

I can say this with absolute certainty. Poppy AI isn't just another tool, it is the closest thing to cloning yourself. If you wanna get time back in your life, in your business for any sort of reason. Get on Poppy honestly. Go to get poppy.ai. Use Fiona the code Fiona, F-I-O-N-A for a discount because your future self will.

Thank you. It has been absolutely game changing for my business and I know it will be for yours as well. Get Poppy dot. Ai, and I'm gonna talk more about why I decided to take on ads like that in this podcast now at episode 500. But before we jump into that, I wanna acknowledge where I'm recording these and acknowledge specifically that traditional onus and custodians of these lands.

So for me, it's in North Warrandyte it’s the Woi-Wurring and Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and I pay my respects to their elders past and present and acknowledge that sovereignty has never. Being seated. Alright, let's get into episode 500 of the My Daily Business Podcast.

Firstly, I'm gonna do a bit of a Snoop Dogg and be like, I wanna congratulate me. But honestly, 500 of anything is pretty amazing, I think. And I also know that so many of us in small business never actually. Stop to acknowledge our achievements. And so this Thursday, as this podcast is coming out today, if you're listening in real time and you are listening, like right when it comes out, I'm gonna have a beautiful dinner, a celebratory dinner with my family because I wanna mark this occasion.

I haven't really done that. I have got to 500 and yes, when we had a hundred episodes and 200 and 300 and 400, my staff and I had like a little. We emailed each other and I was saying congratulations and gave everyone a little bit of a bonus. But other than that, I've never really done anything to celebrate and mark this occasion and I'm just gonna stop and be like, you know what?

500, getting all of these podcasts out and ready and distributed and across the different platforms and getting, you know, the show notes done so that people can read it, getting links put in there. I know sometimes the show notes we have. Incorrect information. We did for the first a hundred episodes for sure.

We were using a really bad transcription service, not Poppy, which is now what we used to basically help run this whole podcast. But I've never done it and I wanna stop and walk the talk. I tell so many of my clients to stop and enjoy and celebrate moments, and I do sometimes. But with the podcast, I would say that I have enjoyed it for sure.

But I haven't sat down like with my family and gone look at me. I did something pretty amazing. So let's celebrate. So I'm gonna do that, and if you're listening and there's maybe something that you have done and it could be something really small, it could be something big, I want you to stop and think, have I like stopped and acknowledged and celebrated that moment and given myself props for like what I've actually achieved?

Because 500 episodes for me, that's definitely worth celebrating. The second thing I want to do is to really say thank you. Like I know that sounds cheesy and you see people all the time like, oh my God, I just wanna thank everyone. But honestly, this podcast, it wouldn't exist if there wasn't a listenership.

It wouldn't have continued without you. I mean, yes, you like you listening right now because every single text message, every dm, every email or share has meant the world to me. And I really, I wanna stress, I'm not just saying this in this usual like creator. Fake. Thank you so much. I really genuinely mean it because there have been weeks, there have been times when I've looked at the costs, I've looked at the costs of running this podcast and been like, okay, I have my editor, I have a graphic designer, I have a virtual assistant, I have a hosting platform.

I have my time. That's put into this. The time of other people that come in and graciously offer their time for the, for the interviews and sometimes. You know, people get nervous or, or other things. And so they ask, actually, I didn't like my answers, can I, can we do a whole other interview again? And that's hard because it's time again, I'm not getting paid for that time.

They're not getting paid for that time. I'm putting money out from the business into this podcast. Sometimes there's been times when I've really sat down and thought, is this all worth it? Especially because I have not monetized this podcast until now. I have never said yes to an advertising request, and believe me, we have got so many of them over time, and I'll talk about that in a second.

But I've sat down and thought, my God, the amount of money that is going out to produce this podcast. And then just when I'm thinking that always, 'cause I feel like the universe. Always does this. I'll get a message from someone saying how this particular episode has helped them solve this business problem, or it's given them their confidence to take the next step, or it's felt like a friend in their car and they feel like they get to know who I am and I've kept them company on so many road trips or so many supplier meeting commutes and suddenly.

When I hear those messages, when I get those messages, it's like, okay, okay, K, come on clicky. Keep doing this. Keep going. It's worth the money. It's helping people and that is ultimately the goal of this podcast is to help people. So thank you. Thank you so much for being part of this journey. Thank you for listening to this.

I know there are, I think there's like 8 million podcasts or something out, like don't quote me exactly, but there are so many millions of podcasts and, and there are so many in the kind of business space. And you could choose any other podcast to listen to, but you're listening to this. So thank you so much for listening.

Thank you for sharing this. I know so many people come to this podcast because they're like, oh, my friend was talking about it, or My friend shared an episode and now I'm binging all the past episodes for reaching out. Like, thank you for reaching out. I had somebody recently who said, I just never do this.

I feel really awkward putting myself out there. She sent me a message on DM and it's always wonderful to connect with people because. Everyone. We're all just trying to get through this life together and the more we can genuinely connect with people, and I feel like this podcast has allowed me to do that, the better it is for everyone because I get it.

Business can be lonely. Like I work predominantly by myself most of the time at my house. I live in a bush area. I don't live in a space that I can just walk down and there's a cafe and there's an art gallery and all these other great things around me. It's, I live in the bush. I don't see that many people except for Zoom and.

Meeting people at school and stuff when I'm picking up my kids. And so I get that it can feel really lonely at times and I know the power of podcasting has meant that so many people have reached out feeling like, I don't feel lonely. 'cause you're always with me. I listen to your podcasts all the time and I feel like I've got a friend in business, even if we've never met.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Because you are the reason that I'm recording episode 500. I would've given up if there was no feedback, I would've given up because yes, even though the downloads were good or anything else, I would've just thought, well, I don't know if it's actually helping anybody.

And so the fact that people write back, it's just absolutely means the world. I cannot stress that enough. Alright, so. Let's talk about it because you'll have noticed that there's something different in today's episode, and that is an ad. I have never, ever run ads on this. So for 499 episodes, there was no ads.

It was ad free. And I'm not saying that we're gonna run ads in every single episode going forward, but I just wanna explain my decision to bring on advertisers because this is a massive step for the podcast. Over the years, I have been approached by at least four major podcast networks to get my podcast onto their network.

So what that means usually is that they reach out to you and you, you know, become part of their network and they run ads and they will take a percentage, usually a very large percentage of that ad, that ad spend onto your podcast. The issue that I found with that is that I would listen to podcasts myself, and maybe somebody was in a really.

Sad or vulnerable situation, and suddenly you would go from this sort of emotional state of listening to this intimate conversation and then you'd have this horrible ad come through, you know, being like 20% off this weekend, blah, blah, blah. And, and so whenever I had discussions with these different networks.

None of them was able to tell me that. One, I would have complete control over the types of ads that would be running and two that I would have complete control over where in the actual podcast, the ads would be slotted. Now, I know there are some major podcasts, particularly here in Australia that do run ads.

They run them themselves. They always say the ad, they narrate the ad. They don't have randoms coming in. And to some degree I think they have control, but a lot of smaller podcasts like mine that are not, you know, having half a million downloads a month do not get that level of control. And at least in the conversations that I was having, and like I said, they're probably the four major.

Networks within, uh, Australia and the US that had come asking. I wasn't confident that I wouldn't be talking to somebody about something that had really gone on in their life or in their business, or even relaying my own stuff, and then my audience being slammed with an ad in the middle of that. That was one part.

We also had a bunch of businesses that came direct and asked to advertise. Now, some of those could have been a yes, but I just didn't feel great about bringing in ads at that time. Others, I hadn't used the product and we still get a lot of companies reaching out and they will have products that are really beneficial.

I can see the benefit for small business owners. However, I don't use those products myself, and there's something. I guess maybe a bit disingenuous about me promoting something that I have haven't used or don't have a need for myself. And that's not to say that at some point I might decide that an advertiser is totally right for, you know, this podcast, and maybe it isn't.

A platform that I use currently, but I would hope that it's something that I would want to be using if I'm not already. So for example, we've had website, big website companies. We have had payment gateway companies. We have had a whole bunch of just service-based businesses. I've had a lot of business coaches who've reached out to advertise on this podcast.

I've had course creators advertise. I've had course platforms contact us, we've had fitness platforms contact us. And I guess in every scenario I've looked at it, assessed it, and just thought, I don't feel comfortable and confident with this right now. And as I said previously, this podcast wouldn't exist without you guys.

So I do not wanna break your trust by bringing in something that feels. Disingenuous or feels like selling out or feels like I'm just doing it for the money. And believe me, sometimes the money was a really nice offer and I hear it all the time. I listen to podcasts where you just think, oh God, I bet you don't even use that, and you're just pumping it out there.

And I'm definitely not one to just add to the noise, even if it's gonna bring in a chunk of money. I have other ways in my business to bring that money in, and I never ever want this podcast community to feel that I am selling them as a commodity. Or telling them about something that I don't actually believe in myself.

So I take that really seriously. And yes, like I've said, I have lost out on a chunk of money and sometimes it's been annoying when I've seen other people who've joined these networks and I'm like, oh, you know, they have ways of helping them rank and and cross-promoting them with other ones, and. And sometimes you think, oh, have I made the wrong decision?

Have I been all like, oh, she's so about her principles. But, you know, she could have got a lot more cash if she'd said yes, but I'm happy. I'm happy with my decision. And like I said, I just didn't want random ads inserted into my podcast. I didn't want to not have that control. And mostly I didn't want to break a promise to you because your trust means everything to me and I, I will not break that for any amount of money.

So that is, that is a huge point that I wanted to drive home today. Yes. From here on in, you may well hear some podcast ads. It's not gonna be on every single episode, I don't think at this point. But in some instances you may hear some ads, and believe me, they are things that honestly, if you wanna send me a dm, I will go through exactly how I use them in my own business.

I will talk you through. How I think they're amazing. And if you've got questions, honestly, I feel like I could be a customer service rep for Poppy AI at this point. I absolutely love it. And when they contacted me recently and they're like, we wanna sponsor your podcast, I was like, what? Because I, I would happily talk about them without being paid.

So. That was an absolute alignment. 'cause I'm like, yes, I talk about this all the time. There are certain other people that we're in discussions with who I absolutely are in so in alignment with, and so you may well hear them, but I just want you to know that this is the reason I've said no for 499 episodes and also the reason I've said yes for some episodes going forward.

Another thing I wanna talk about as it is episode 500 is how I got to hear how I got to 500 episodes because this is a thing that comes up a lot. I talk to people all day long who want to start a podcast or have started a podcast and it's sort of been going well for a few months and then it collapses, or it's been going well for a year, and then there's just so much work involved that they're like, I just don't know how you keep this going.

I would have to say that in the last six months, at least, poppy AI has helped with that. But even prior to that, I think my system is really good. And I'm just gonna stand by that. We actually have a course that goes through the exact system called How to Start a Podcast. And if you're interested, you can go to my daily business.com/courses.

But if you are interested in starting a podcast, I would say to you that. It doesn't matter necessarily about the microphone. I mean, yes, it matters to some degree, but not really. It doesn't matter about the setup. It doesn't matter about having everything be perfect. It doesn't necessarily matter about how much time you have to research and interview, you know, get the right, perfect questions.

I think the biggest thing that is going to set you apart from other people who start a podcast and then stop is having a system. To set up having a system that supports the process and allows you, or sorry, a process to support the system, I should say, that allows you to keep going week after week after week after week.

You don't just get to 500 episodes, you, you don't like. Even if I had the best of intentions and the best ideas and the best equipment that wouldn't help necessarily me get to 500 podcast episodes, it just wouldn't. It's like anything, you know, anything that you wanna do in life, there has to be a system.

If it's going to be long term and continuous. I have gone for walks now for about, I'd say five years consistently. And a lot of people have said, oh, you, you know, you look healthier, you look this, and you know, all sorts of set comments. And I would say that the game changer for me is setting up a system to go for those walks.

And I pretty much go for the same mors, the same space, the same place, the same path at the same time, on the same days. Every week. And that is set up and the system works with my husband. He looks after the kids, he makes them breakfast, he gets them ready for school on those days. And I also know that there's a time period that that, that has to get done.

And if I wake up late or if I am just not feeling it or whatever. I can't push it back, like I just can't push it back too much because I have to drop the kids off to school and everything else. And it's the same way with the podcast. I have a system set up and I have to record the podcast mainly on a Monday, particularly interview episodes.

If that doesn't happen on a Monday, I really don't have time the rest of the week. So the system is set up to help me get this stuff done, but it's not like I have all the time in the world to get this stuff done, which is again, where the system comes in and is. So incredibly crucial. So I'm gonna break down in, in kind of a brief overview in case you are working on any content at the moment in your business or any kind of marketing system, and it's just not working.

Maybe something you're gonna hear in the next few minutes will help you figure out the missing link. And again, if you're interested, we do have a course on how to start a podcast. We also have a whole bunch of like PDFs and things you can download from the website. We've got like a hundred content ideas.

I mean, there's so much. And of course, if you wanna do a one-on-one coaching session content in my jam, I've been doing content plans for like 20 something years, way before social media and for all sorts of mediums. So if you're interested, just head to our website and look at the business coaching options.

But the podcast, the first thing that we do, if I kind of. You know, and breaking down the whole system is that we have this kind of brainstorming phase, and again, poppy AI has been game changer for this in the last few months as well. But this involves really reviewing like the content pillars, the core topics we wanna be known for, and then generating ideas that align with them, and also align with the types of episodes that we put out.

So we have. Coaching episodes like this, we have, uh, interview episodes and we have quick tip episodes, and so we look at the content pillars, we look at the data that we know from Sunday, emails, I send out a Sunday email. We look at what sort of open rate, click through rate, replies, unsubscribes, all of that to look at the content that people are interested in.

And then we use all of that and pull together a list. I try to have at least, I used to have the full year mapped out every single episode, like every 52, what is it? 104 episodes, 'cause it twice a week. And we would have all of that laid out like 12 months in advance. And sometimes, you know, interviews would change or we'd.

Try for people and wouldn't get them. Or we would have lots of people email and you know, pitch themselves and we'd find incredible people through that. But I used to do that 12 months in advance. I would say now it's usually done probably two quarters in advance, so six months in advance. And I still do start at the start of the year.

I. And go through, okay, I need 52 tip episodes. I need 26 interviews, and roughly 26 coaching episodes. And then we also look at what else is happening in the year. So what sort of stuff are we gonna promote on those episodes? So, you know, at times you'll hear me promoting group coaching or marketing for small business or something else that we are selling at that point.

So all of this is pulled together in an Excel sheet, a Google sheet. And it has the date that the podcast is coming out. It has the topic, it has, we used to have a lot more kind of information and now I feel like I can just riff, so I don't have all of that put in. It has anything that we need to include in say, an intro, outro, especially if I interview people and they say that they want to offer a discount in the outro of the podcast.

That's the little bit at the end of the interview where I talk about the two things that stood out for me. So all of that is captured. Anything that I need to talk about with my team is also captured in there. So we have a podcast editor who goes into there. So if I wanna say, you know, in this particular episode, they stopped and started a lot, or in this particular episode.

Like I have a habit of saying, you know, you know, you know, you know, and like, like, like, like, like, so sometimes I'll put that in so that my editor is aware, okay, I need to really catch that. Or I might put in something saying, Hey, they talked about this, but we really don't want that to be like the general focus, so don't use it for a snippet at the start or end of the podcast.

And so I'll put in whatever information I need to put in there. We also have a graphic designer who goes in there and takes the titles and then creates all the tiles, all the social media. Graphics and puts them into a Google folder. And then we have my VA, who is also in there and literally is like the project manager between all the different people.

So once I record this, it gets uploaded into Google Drive. We then change the Excel sheet in a traffic light system. So it goes from, say, orange if I've done the interview, but not finished the episode to green. We also, my VA and I communicate through Monday a online project management software tool to say, you know, either Fiona is working on it, Fiona has finished it, it is out for editing.

It is back in, like, we have all the different steps in there. So from there, it then gets edited, and then the audio file is uploaded by my VA into the backend of the hosting platform we use, along with graphics. We also use AI tools like Poppy to come up with the best keywords so that the podcast episode actually gets found.

We also use Poppy to come up with the show notes and the snippet information that needs to go on Apple and Spotify and all of that. So we are using Poppy a lot, and I'm actually going to be doing a free class if you are already using Poppy. I'm gonna be doing a free class on how I run my entire podcast through Poppy and using Poppy.

And Poppy is a huge part of the team, I would say now, especially with the podcast. So if you are already paying for Poppy, then make sure you're in the WhatsApp group because I think they'll be announcing it in a few weeks that I'll be doing a free class on exactly how I work with this. And again, if you're interested in Poppy, just go to GetPoppy.ai

Do AI and use the code Fiona, F-I-O-N-A for a discount. And so from there we have our graphic designer who's created a whole bunch of assets and then that goes into a content planner for social media content and the Sunday email. So that is just a basic overview of the podcasting process, but I would have to say that that process has pretty much stayed the same since.

Episode one, and we're at episode 500. We also have deadlines in there. And sometimes I don't keep to those. I have to shout out, you know, sometimes life gets busy, or in particular, like I know coming up in April, we have so many public holidays on a Monday, that is when I record. So if I'm suddenly not able to have those Mondays, I'm always behind April.

I'm always behind because I just don't have those Mondays to record and that's my day to record. So I hope that in some way listening to that, you realize that. These episodes don't just get out by themselves. And it's certainly not just me. I definitely have a team that helps me with this, but there is a process and it, we stick to the process and honestly, the process has not let us down.

I think we have had one time, maybe twice in 500 episodes that the podcast episode has not come out on time, but it has still come out that day. So I would say out of all of our content processes in this business from the Sunday email, the podcast, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, et cetera. The podcast without doubt has the strongest process because everybody involved knows exactly which platforms we're using to communicate how we communicate in things like colored coding on an Excel sheet, and everybody knows their part and they know what their part does and who they pass it onto.

I think that is a really important thing to think about with, when it comes to anything. Consistency is incredible, but it can't really come if there's not a good process behind it. And the process and the, the lack of process or lack of system is the thing that will often let you down, not the people.

Edward Demings who, who said this idea that 85% of the time it's the process, not the people that end up being problematic. And I would just urge you to think about that, especially if you've got say, junior people or other people working on your content right now. Just really think, have I set them up for success?

Have I set them up with a process that works that we've repeated and is proven and works? And then can I find fault with maybe their performance rather than. They are just not doing X, Y, Z, and it's like, but is the process there to support them? And I can put my hand up and say, definitely there's parts of my business that there isn't a great process set up.

Or that our processes, you know, in particular parts definitely need some improvement. And we are working on that for sure. So if you are struggling with consistency in any area of your business, and maybe you're listening to this and thinking, my God, how does she get to 500 of anything? Like, look at your systems first because.

Really to recap, and I keep saying it over and over, but are you setting yourself and your team up for success? And do you have clear processes that can run even when your motivation is low? Because that's another thing. Yes, we're at 500 episodes. It doesn't mean that every single episode I put out I thought was the best thing ever, or that I was.

So motivated to put that out or so excited about putting it out. But I still put things out because I knew one, they were super helpful and that's the ultimate goal of this podcast. And two, I know that people rely on this. The two times that we have put out podcasts late, we have got dms from people saying, I'm at the gym and your podcast is not up.

And this is what I listened to on Thursday, so like what's going on? And it's wonderful to get them and be like, oh my God. And both times I've actually been out on my walk. Going, oh my God, I get it. Because I listen to certain podcasts on certain days on my walk, and so I'd be like, ah, I've, God, I've gotta get home and fix this.

But really think about, think about, think about, are your systems there? The other thing that has come to me from this podcast, and I just wanna say, you know, it's an incredible thing is. These ripple effects, I guess the ripple effects of maintaining the podcast and things that I'd never anticipated. I mean, this podcast has led to so many more speaking opportunities and better paid ones as well.

It's opened doors to consulting projects with companies I admire who definitely were not, or are not following me on Instagram, and were not on my Sunday email, but they were listening to this podcast and it was shared around at their, you know, premises. And then it got to the md and then the MD gets in touch.

And that has been incredible. Like people, like incredible companies that I would've been like, they don't know who I am. And then they're contacting me, being like, Hey, either they wanna start their own podcast or they wanna do something, and they're like, could you come in and run a workshop with us or go through how to set this all up for our marketing team?

And that has been amazing. It's also brought in so many clients who just, I feel like they already get me because they've been listening to this. The amount of people that now that sign up for group coaching and they're like, we listen to your podcast and now we decided to sign up because we get that you have the same values as us, or you have the same humor, or you have a similar background to me, or I hear you talking about how you only work three days a week and you're the primary caregiver for your kids.

And that's what I also wanna have with my business. And so there's just so much that people are gaining from this podcast in terms of understanding who I am, how I work, who I work with. That has led to very few consult calls anymore. I used to do consult calls all the time. I. Very few, like literally maybe a handful every quarter if that.

Maybe a handful per year because people are now being qualified by listening to the podcast and going, yep, she's the right fit for me. And so that has been incredible. Also, in terms of the speaking gigs, I was already doing speaking gigs. I've always done speaking gigs, but one, like I said, they're.

They're more higher paid speaking gigs. But also I feel like I'm more comfortable on stage because I'm so used to just riffing on this podcast that that skillset of being able to talk on the spot has improved for sure. And yes, I was already doing that 'cause I do coaching and you know, you're talking on the spot there.

But I definitely feel like my speaking engagements have gotten easier and less stressful for me, which I know. Maybe sounds selfish because of this podcast, and I guess the lesson here isn't just about podcasting, it's, it's really about showing up repeatedly because consistency compounds, like each episode might not change the world or, you know, change someone's business.

But 500 episodes later, this cognitive. Impact is undeniable. And this is true for any kind of content you create or any habit at all that you maintain in business because like I said, it's about showing up repeatedly for something that you believe in. And the results rarely come overnight. But like the pant ad, they do come, they do come, and you know, now we are.

Getting the exact types of brands that I wanna be talking to about podcast ads, and that has come after 500 of those episodes. If I tried to pitch or talk to these brands, you know, in the first 10 episodes probably wouldn't have worked. And now they can see not only are you, you know, putting out the content, but you have.

Committed to it and you have been doing this so consistently, and that is, it's an incredible thing to be able to show a portfolio and be like, yeah, look at this. Or, yes, I have that podcast, or even, you know, random dms that people will say, I'm struggling with this right now, and I'm able to point them to the exact podcast That's gonna help them also in my coaching in like their Trello boards or activities that I put together for people.

I can be like, Hey, listen to this particular podcast as part of your homework because it'll explain X, Y, Z. So there's so much there for me to utilize and for other people to utilize as well. So I guess if you've listened this far in, firstly, thank you. But I also wanna stress that this has been a journey for sure.

And I wanna say that if you've found value in this podcast over the episodes or, or years, if you've been listening right from the start. Thank you so much. I'd really like to stop and ask for something in return, and I do feel awkward asking, but I'm just gonna pull, you know, do it. And that is, I'd really like you to leave a review.

I'd really like you to stop and leave a review. I, I do ask that a lot. And we have thousands of people that listen to this podcast every single week. And we are not, we're definitely not getting thousands of reviews every single week. And I get it, you know, I listen to things and it's not like you take the time to let go to that podcast episode and leave a review.

And I have so many things, so many products out there that I think are great. And I try and remember, especially for small business, to go and leave a review because those reviews really help the public reviews that are left on Apple or Spotify or wherever you listen. They really help other business owners discover the conversations and they also expand our community.

And so if this podcast. Any of the 500 episodes has helped you in any way. I would love it if you could take two minutes, not even two minutes, like 30 seconds to write a review as we embark on the next 500 episodes, and it could be even sharing your favorite episode on social media this week, or recommending it to a colleague who might benefit.

There are also wonderful ways to support the show, so thank you in advance. And yeah, I'd really, really, really, really like it if you could do that. And so as we come to a close and as we look forward to having God the next 500 episodes, oh my God. Imagine when I'm at episode a thousand. I wanna hear from you.

I wanna hear what topics do you want me to cover? Who do you want me to interview? What format do you most enjoy? We have quick tips, we have coaching, we have interviews. In the interviews, are there questions that I'm never asking that you wish I would ask? Are there questions that you are wrestling with in your business that you don't think we've addressed?

I would love it so, so much. If you could send us an email hello@mydailybusiness.com and speak to that, maybe you're like, oh, I never hear you, never hear you interview somebody from this part of the world, or I never hear you interview someone from this part of Australia even, or, I would love for you to talk more when you interview people about mental health or confidence or.

I don't know anything. Friendships like, what do you wanna hear about? Because I'm not going anywhere. This podcast is not going anywhere. This podcast is going to continue to be a resource for you, but I also wanna make sure that it evolves to meet your needs as business owners and leaders. Now, part of that evolving is we are going to pull this podcast onto YouTube.

I'm trying to figure it all out. I'm using D Script, another amazing tool that is out there and. I'm really trying to figure out what is the best way to get this podcast out to people that need it. So if you've got ideas or advice on there, I would. I'm all ears. You can send us a DM at my daily business underscore on Instagram at my daily business on TikTok.

Or like I said, email hello@mydailybusiness.com. So thank you. Thank you for celebrating this milestone with me. I mean, here's to 500 more episodes of learning and growing and. Building better businesses together, and it is together because I'm also building my business and I teach people about business.

I work with people on their business, but I'm also learning. And when I get into these conversations with people who listen to this podcast, it is so amazing to hear from them and to hear their perspective and to learn from them and to connect with them. So until next time, I hope that today's episode inspires you to keep showing up consistently for what matters in your business.

As episode 500 proves it's episode 500, these small actions add up to something remarkable over time. So thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for connecting, and I'll catch you next week for our next quick tip episode. If you wanna go through anything in text format or find links to anything I mentioned, including Poppy, including Descript, including uh, any of the courses, you can find that at my daily business.com/podcast/ 500.

Thank you, and I'll see you next time. Bye. Thanks for listening to the My Daily Business Podcast. For a range of tools to help you grow and start your business, including coaching programs, courses and templates, check out our shop@mydailybusiness.com slash shop. And if you wanna get in touch, you can do that via email, hello@mydailybusiness.com.

Or you can hit us up on Instagram at my daily business. You can find us on TikTok at my daily business or find me Fiona Kalki on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting.


Episode 501: What would you say to future you?


Episode 499: AI can’t do this