Episode 51: Small Business Tips - Five reasons you should consider a podcast for your business in 2021 and beyond

If you’re a small business owner and you’re contemplating whether you should also have your own podcast or not, then this episode is for you! In this very quick tip episode, Fiona answers the question, “Should you start a podcast?” Find out her five reasons why you should consider potentially starting one in 2021.

Want to start your own podcast? Check out our new online course, How To Start a Podcast

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • Five reasons to consider potentially starting one in 2021

    • #1 Humanise your brand

    • #2 Easy to do

    • #3 They’re everywhere

    • #4 Becoming an authority in your space

    • #5 Becoming a lifelong learner

  • Introducing How To Start A Podcast

  • Conclusion

Resources mentioned in this episode:  

Episode transcript: 

Hello and welcome to episode 51 of the My Daily Business Coach podcast. Can you believe it is December? I know that many of us have been kind of waiting for December to roll around and I'm sure you've seen those memes that kind of came up maybe in July on social media. And they were like, let's just put up a Christmas tree and call it a day because this year has been incredibly challenging.

So yeah, I don't know if it's kind of excitement that wow, we're in December already, you know, there's not long to go 2020, we'll be in the past officially. Or if it's like, Oh my gosh, there's only a month left of this year. And I really want to take in all the different lessons - good and bad that I've learnt. Let me know how you're feeling about this. Definitely connect with me over on Instagram at @mydailybusinesscoach. I would love to hear from you and thank you again to every single person who has connected with me through this podcast, it's just an incredible format and I'm absolutely loving getting to know so many different small business owners around the world.

So this is a quick tip episode. Let's get into it.

So like I just mentioned quickly, then I am loving doing this podcast. I wish I had started it earlier. If you've been listening to this all the way through, you'll know that I did start planning this in 2016, I went and bought an intro track. I paid a gigantic amount of money for what it was for a voiceover company to do this very professional voiceover and in the end I just used my own voice. And also in the end, I took years to get this going. And I really wish that I had just gone with it. Uh, this podcast has only been around for a few months. It is ranked consistently in the top five to 10 of marketing and business. Uh, and also we're up to 40,000 downloads, which is incredible. So thank you to every single person. But the reason that I'm bringing that up is today's quick tip episode is really about, should you start a podcast and five reasons to consider potentially starting one in 2021.

So let's dive into them.

#1 Humanising your brand

I talk about this a lot. I talk about the idea that competition is always going to be out there, but there's only ever one you, and that can sound really cheesy or cliche, but really you've got 7 billion people on this planet and it's growing constantly. And in business, there's always going to be competition. There's going to be people that undercut you on price. There's going to be people that can do more because of resources. There's people that can, you know, get their products faster, faster, faster, but what there isn't is you. There's no one with your particular background, your experience, your skillset, and everything that really makes you YOU. So one of the best ways to humanize your brand is through something like a podcast, because just voice alone (and I've talked about voice marketing before) can really create this sense of intimacy. This idea that you, you feel like, you know, somebody when you're listening to them, when you're listening to them, laugh, make jokes or all sorts of things. You get to know them on a more personal level. So that's number one. Podcasting can be an incredible way to humanize your brand

#2 It’s so easy to do.

Now. I have been a published writer for near on 20 years. I've written for newspapers, I've had columns and all sorts of things, and I find writing quite easy to do, but I know that that's not the case for so many people. And so I actually think, you know, what's more easy than talking really. And talking by yourself, you know, I'm recording this right now in the office out the back. Nobody's around. No one can hear me. I don't need to, you know, dress up. I'm actually, I'm actually in my pajamas right now because it's first thing in the morning. And I'm just grabbing a quick chance where I can to record this. So it is the easiest thing to do. I have a mic set up, but you don't have to even have that.

You can just do it on your phone. It is so simple. Um, it's very natural to just come out and chat. I'm not scripting this, uh, today. Sometimes I do, but today I'm not. And yeah, so it's just such an easy way to do it. And also if you have the time and sometimes I do this, you can just batch create them. So I try and make these quick tip episodes quick, you know, five to 10 minutes. Uh, and so sometimes if I've got a few ideas, I can just sit down and within an hour, I've pumped out three or four of these. So it's super quick and also just such a natural way to do it. You don't feel uncomfortable and yes, if you have to do interview episodes and I do those every second week, um, you know, there's more nerves on both ends, uh, and you do have to get a bit more technical, making sure that the recording is good, but yeah, it's just such an easy way to create content as opposed to video, which, you know, you have to dress up and have the nice lighting and all of that or written content, which I know a lot of people find hard to do.

#3 They're everywhere.

Everybody's listening to them again. If you've been listening from the start, you may have known, or if you worked with me or come to anything I've spoken at, I used to work at audible in the UK. So that was around 2012. And back then we were really competing with Kindle. We were really competing with e-readers people weren't listening to audio anywhere near what they're listening to now. So a huge thing is that, you know, in marketing, I always say you want to meet people where they are. A lot of people are, you know, rebelling against social media. A lot of people are coming off, things like Facebook. And so you want to actually meet your in your clients or customers where they are. And a lot of people are listening to podcasts now. So, you know, why not jump on board that and meet them where they are.

#4 It can show you as an authority in your space.

So if you are somebody who perhaps might've been like, Oh, I want to get on speaking circuits. Or I want to talk to more people because I really want to get out there as an authority. Podcasts could be an incredibly easy way to do that. Whatever your niche is, whether it's your baking expert or your business, or, you know, leadership or any sorts of thing, podcasting allows you to talk to a huge amount of people, gigantic reach and potential for gigantic reach without having to do all of the pictures, travel to all of that stuff. So it can be a really great way to show you as an authority in your niche, whatever niche that might be.

#5 It allows you to be a lifelong learner (#lifelonglearner).

Um, and I really do believe that education and access to education changes the world. So one of the great things about being a podcast host is that you can ask anyone to come onboard your podcast as an interviewee. And of course, some people are going to say no, or they might be too busy, but it actually allows you to learn so much from these experts who are giving their time. Usually for free. Most people don't get paid to be on a podcast. And you can ask them all sorts of questions. So you might think, well, okay, I need to upskill on XYZ, great. I'm going to find somebody who's an expert in that. And I'm going to ask them a bunch of questions on my podcast. So I know that's a bit of a cheeky one, but it's such a great way to keep on learning in a way that is also helping you market your business at the same time.

So those are five quick tips or quick reasons, I guess, to consider starting a podcast in 2021. And I am actually launching today a new course. It's a very short mini course that's, self-paced completely online called How to start a podcast. And literally I'm going into how to actually start it, why you should start it, but also really importantly, the systems and processes I've put in place so that I can put this out twice a week, every single week without being overwhelmed.

And I think that a lot of the time people can be like, yes, great. I'm going to start a podcast and they get all excited, but they don't have the systems in place in order to support that. So if you are interested in starting a podcast, definitely check out my new course just called How to start a podcast. And you can find that at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast. And of course we'll link to that in the show notes, which you can find at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/51 is this is episode 51. All right. That was a quick tip episode. I hope you hit subscribe so you don't miss out on any future quick tip episodes as well as my longer coaching ones and my interviews with small business owners across the globe. Thanks so much for listening. See you next time. Bye.

Thanks for listening to My Daily Business Coach podcast. If you want to get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram at @mydailybusinesscoach.


Episode 52: Five quick tips for finding the right podcasts to become a guest on, to help build your brand and get your small business out there


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