Are you terrified of expanding your business?
I am writing this Sunday morning, after tearing myself away from reading a new business book. I know, I know, a recent email was on top business books and this won’t be a repeat of that, but I have to share...
I was in Sydney this weekend to talk at an event and, as I usually do, I bought myself a book at the airport (sidenote: something like 50% of all books in Australia are bought in airports, so don’t feel bad if you share my habit of airport shopping).
The book I bought (& have almost finished 24 hours later) is Reboot by Jodie Fox, co-founder of Shoes of Prey. Almost a decade ago I read an interview with Fox on a blog and her story resonated with me. I happened to see her speak a few times and each time I’d walk away with such respect for the way she worked, her attitude and her calm, friendly demeanour.
I was shocked when it was announced in 2018 that Shoes of Prey (which grossed more than $25m in investment) would cease operation. Reboot details her business journey but not in the stock standard “I’m an entrepreneur, let me share & be pseudo vulnerable” way. In a real REALLLLL way. There’s a genuine sense of the struggles she dealt with, of her insecurities, of how many times she believed her own fears and told herself she didn’t know enough to succeed. The reality is that she took an innovative concept (completely customised shoes bought online) and made it happen. She had no experience in fashion, tech or manufacturing overseas, but managed to transform an idle conversation about a business idea into an internationally acclaimed brand with millions in funding. Sure, it didn’t pan out as she had once hoped, but she’s gained a wealth of knowledge about herself, business and what’s possible.
We ALL struggle at times in business. We give in to our inner critic and board the “not good enough” bus. We, like Fox, can let our own fears be the loudest voices in our lives. We can look for evidence of the negative things we tell ourselves about ourselves. This week I have been oscillating between being super excited that my book is finally going off to print and, at the same time, being terrified for anyone to actually read it (don't tell my publisher!). It takes a LOT to put yourself out there (especially on a global scale), because there will always be someone who wants to pull you down. For every bestseller, there are countless 1-star reviews. For every multi-million-dollar brand there are a thousand struggles that have to be overcome (often behind the scenes). Everything ain't for everybody and the more you build your business and put yourself out there, the more chance there will be critics (real or perceived). The key is to focus on the people you are helping (with your book, product, service etc) and little else. Easier to say than do, I know.
Yesterday, as I finished up my talk, a small biz owner came up to the lectern and told me that she reads every Sunday email I send. She hadn't known if she could fit in the time to attend my talk yesterday but, she said, "I'm so glad I did...You talked about content and marketing in ways I'd never heard of before and gave insights that will actually help our business. I am so glad I made the choice to come. Thank you". It may seem like a small gesture, but her words were exactly what I needed to hear. If my book can help just one business owner — like her — feel like they understand things more, and alleviate some of the overwhelm, then I'm doing my job.
Fox's business may not have succeeded in the way we expect of these seemingly "unicorn" start-ups, but during its existence Shoes of Prey provided 6m pairs of customised shoes to women —often for special events like milestone birthdays, weddings and other celebrations. No doubt those shoes were the final touch that made the woman wearing them feel incredible. No one can put a value on that.
If you’re struggling with feelings of self-doubt right now, know this. Everyone feels the same way from time to time. No biz owner is immune from self-doubt, self-criticism and fear - particularly, when they are on the cusp of expansion or growth. I have worked with business owners earning millions through to people hoping to finally hit five-figures and each has to work through their own mindset blocks and inner struggles. The key I have found with them — and myself — is to bring it back to how you help people. When you focus on that, everything else falls into place.
All growth takes guts. As Andre Gide once said, "man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore". Don't let your fears stop you from exploring what's possible.