Has your motivation gone on vacation? Read this.
It was a surreal moment when I received the posted parcel from my publisher with the first printed pages of my first business book and seeing my thoughts and ideas brought to life with design elements, colours, page layouts and typography. While editing these, it dawned on me that (hopefully!) for someone, somewhere, this - my book - will be one that brings them an insight or moment of inspiration that has a real impact on their business. And, in hoping for that, I thought about the business books I've read recently that have left their mark on me.
Today I thought I'd share five of these with you in that hope they make their mark on you and your small biz too.
1. The One Thing - Jay Papasan
Struggling with too many things on the boil in your biz? This book is all about how to narrow down in order to scale up. While it was first published back in 2013, its points are still relevant today.
2. The Visual MBA - Jason Barron
This was a gift from my husband and I love how it simplifies some of the most complex aspects of business and marketing. A great go-to reference for marketing principles and business procedures.
3. Superfans - Pat Flynn
In the world of online "entrepreneurs" there are a bunch of #MegaFake people. Yep, I've said it. Many times it feels like it's all just a pyramid scheme of affiliates and people with little experience attempting to build online empires with cult-like devotes. Pat Flynn is NOT one of those people. A podcaster since 2008 and an experienced "passive income" specialist, he's someone I've watched and admired well before I started my own biz. His latest book goes into detail on how to cultivate superfans with realistic and valuable tactics small biz owners can actually action.
4. The Wife Drought - Annabel Crabb
While not technically a business book, this is a must-read for anyone who is fortunate enough to have staff of any gender. I listened to the audiobook while on my early morning walks by the river and had to stop myself from screaming "FFS!" many a time as the book progressed. While I indeed felt all the emotions after finishing it, the book also pushed me to have some deep conversations with clients (particularly those I consult to in bigger business) about gender, family and work. The only way we will actually see equality in the workplace, is to take a stand ourselves, doing what we can where we are. To do nothing is to add to the problem.
5. Profit First - Mike Michalowicz
If you have ever worked with me or seen me speak, chances are you have heard me talk about Mike Michalowicz. I listen to his books on Audible as I love the way he narrates and how he adds a bunch of ad-lib, off script tips and tactics. I have been recommending this book to anyone and everyone since I first read it a couple of years ago. Simple, effective advice to ensure you actually make a profit with your biz. To quote one of my clients, "thank you for suggesting this book, it has completely changed our lives."
So, there you go. Five books that hopefully impact you in some way.
I can't wait to share my own book with you in the months to come. I hope it becomes one that you can genuinely recommend to others looking to grow, or even start, their own business. And hey, it's always good to have a few more female writers in what is largely a male-dominated category.