How much do you put up with before you make a change?
How much do you put up with before you make a change?
I know that may be a loaded question and you may think, in relation to what? A relationship? Work stuff? Life in general?
Our little house is full of artwork and framed prints. My husband is a beautiful painter (though he doesn’t get the time to do it that often) and amongst the artworks are his paintings, paintings we have been fortunate enough to collect from local artists, prints from designers all over the world, a 1969 concert poster from a Jimi Hendrix show, painted skateboard decks, sculptures, Aboriginal artwork and a framed collection of 34 cards featuring 1920s blues musicians.
Now, for the last month - at least - I’ve walked by that last piece (the framed cards) and noticed it’s been crooked and yet, haven’t corrected the frame. This week I realised I’d been waiting, perhaps subconsciously, until we were having guests over to fix it. You see, I’d fix it if someone else was going to see it, but I’d let it stay crooked for myself.
On a group coaching call this week, we were discussing systems and processes. One of the lovely members remarked that recently hiring someone was the best incentive to get her systems and processes documented and into order.
This conversation and the artwork made me reflect on how often, we as small biz owners, put up with mediocre or not-quite-right workarounds rather than taking the time to fix them - not for anyone else, but for our own peace of mind - for our own knowledge that we are doing this as WE are enough of a reason.
How often are we taking the time and putting the effort in, for ourselves?
This might look like:
· Cleaning up our desk space and office because we know the next time we enter we will feel better
· Spending the time to update an outdated pitch decks, press pages or About sections on a website
· Documenting processes
· Applying for an award
· Clearing our inbox
· Saying “no” rather than avoiding a situation
· Getting that phone or laptop screen fixed
· Unsubscribing from emails & unfollowing accounts that don’t make us feel great
· Updating our bios
· Getting new photos taken
· Updating software or equipment
· Buying flowers for the office
· Celebrating a win
I am lucky enough to work with so many small biz owners and I know that sometimes these seemingly “small” acts can actually make massive inroads into making us feel like we’re in control, that we matter and that we acknowledge our own hard work and contribution to our business.
Me fixing that frame took milliseconds, but it made me reflect on what else I’m putting up with that I have the power to change. I hope this blog helps you think about doing the same.