What do you really want this year? These 8 titles may help.

I'm writing this after spending much of this morning de-cluttering — toys mainly, but books and baby things and items I bought with the intention of one day using them and yet for years they have sat, unloved and unopened.

It got me thinking about the upcoming gifting frenzy season, in particular, what people need most right now. Outside of the intangible things like love, compassion and friendship, I feel like we all need a hefty dose of inspiration and clarity on the path forward. Perhaps I'm just in that mindset as tomorrow I'll spend the entire day working on my 2021 strategy, alongside one of my biz besties, Natasha Ace (we hire a space each quarter and work all day ON the business). Or, perhaps it's because I've received so many DMs lately asking me how people choose between one direction over another. After the year we have all endured, it's no surprise people are looking for answers.

So, with that in mind, I thought I'd highlight eight of the best business books you *may* wish to buy, borrow or add to that list of ideas for someone else to get for you. These are the books you won't be throwing out when it comes to de-cluttering, but rather ones you'll refer back to you again and again.

In no particular order...

1. The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E Gerber

An absolute classic The E-Myth was originally written more than three decades ago in 1988. This "revisited" version is close to 20 years old now, but the ideas, concepts and frameworks still run true. If you're someone who is always working "in" rather than "on" their business, this is a great book to invest time into.

2. Profit First - Mike Michalowicz

If you listened to this week's interview episode on my podcast, you would have heard Radical Yes' founder, the brilliant Kerryn Moscicki RAVE about how much this book has helped her business. She is one of thousands of small business owners (including myself) who has changed up the way they operate and manage their finances after reading this.



3. Superfans - Pat Flynn

In the world of business "gurus" there are a LOT of fluffers — those who did little more than amp up their own brand while giving next to no real advice or ideas. Pat Flynn is NOT one of those. Since stumbling across him back in 2014, I have been a fan of his gentle, practical, considered advice and lack of self grandeur. This book, like his earlier ones, is full of quick ideas and tips for scaling your business by cultivating genuine connections.

4. Reboot - Jodie Fox

I read this in 1-2 days because the story was that engaging. Coming from a career peppered with jobs in fashion retail, I was well aware of the impact Fox made when her company, Shoes of Prey, hit the scene. Fully customisable women's shoes from heel height through to fabric choice, it seemed she had landed upon a business idea that would forever change the industry. And, for many years it did, quickly gaining international acclaim. But the dream didn't pan out the way Fox had hoped and in this book she takes you on her incredible journey through professional, and personal, challenge and triumph.

5. Built to Sell - John Warrillow

I have lost track of how often I recommend this quick read to clients and students. Even if you never ever plan on selling your business, this book is a must read. Written as fiction, it details the story of a graphic design agency founder who is sick of working to ad-hoc client briefs, unstable income and inefficiencies with staff. He seeks out a business coach and begins a journey into creating a business that is, literally, built to sell.

6. Passion. Purpose. Profit - Fiona Killackey

I know, I know, it's a bit #awks to nominate your own book in your own blog (!!), but I really DO believe it can help any and every small biz owner get clearer on why they're in business, what they want to achieve and the steps they'll need to take to get there. I receive emails and DMs daily from strangers all over the world pointing out ways it's helped.

7. Catch of the Decade - Gabby & Hezi Leibovich

i started reading this earlier this month and I have to say it had me engaged right from the start. The brothers and business founders behind some of the most successful Australian companies, such as Catch, Eat Now (which became Menulog) and Scoopon dive into exactly how they built their businesses and what it took for a family fleeing the Lebanon War in the 1980s to make it BIG on the other side of the world. Not only is a fantastic read but all sales go to charity.

8. The Visual MBA - Jason Barron

If you're someone who learns more via visuals than text (an estimated 65% of the population), then this is for you. While completing his MBA, Jason Barron would sketch out the business concepts he was learning. This book pulls these together in a way that makes learning about everything from money management through to marketing simple and enjoyable.

I am someone who owns a house (and garden shed) filled with books. I grew up in a house that was wall to wall lined with books and my dad, in his later years, volunteered to set up a second-hand bookshop. Suffice to say, I feel like books can offer the perfect, affordable way to access new ideas, potential paths forward and wisdom from those who have been where you might be right now. While there are a LOT of fluffy business books, or books aimed at people who want to create global multi-million-dollar empires, the eight listed above are perfect for any stage small business owner.




Do you ever feel like you're just faking it?


Do you equate being strategic with selling out?