Episode 457: Tip: How to best utilise AI in your small business

You'll Learn How To: 

  • The importance of providing proper context and data points to AI tools for better, more personalized results

  • How to leverage existing content (videos, voice notes, podcasts, emails) as input for AI to learn your unique tone and style

  • Why generic AI prompts may lead to generic or misaligned outputs, and how to avoid this

  • The significance of pattern recognition in AI and how it affects the quality of AI-generated content

  • Strategies for making AI sound more like you and align with your brand voice

  • The value of embracing AI in business while learning to use it effectively and appropriately

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Hello and welcome to episode 457 of the My Daily Business podcast. If you have any interest in AI and where it's going and how you can use it, then today's episode is absolutely for you. I also want to let you know that I am finally, after months of talking about it, going to be bringing together a new group AI chat. So that is once a month, we're going to have a Zoom call.

Anyone is welcome to join. You can go to [mydailybusiness.com/AI](https://mydailybusiness.com/AI) and join that. And what it is is a monthly membership, really, and you can join. And once a month we will be discussing various elements of AI. Now I love AI. I'm super interested in this. I've been utilizing so many different platforms. I've been sharing many of these within group coaching and also with my one-on-one clients. And I just want to branch this out into anyone else that is interested. Now I'm really excited to potentially be getting some AI founders.

from Silicon Valley to come in and chat about various elements of AI. So whether you're using AI just in copywriting, which a lot of people do, or you're using AI in terms of your systems and processes. If you're using AI in actually building out an AI team, if you are using it for your videos and rich content, anything that you're using AI for, if you are interested in how you can utilize it to improve your business, then you might want to join a new group, which is just meeting once a month.

And can do that at [mydailybusiness.com/AI](https://mydailybusiness.com/AI). Before we get stuck in, I also want to acknowledge where I'm coming from and acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of these beautiful lands. And for me, that is the Waburong and Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. And I pay my respects to their elders past and present and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. All right, let's get into today's quick tip episode.

As I said at the start, I am super interested in AI and I have been for a long time, even I remember way back at Audible in 2012, we were looking at, I don't even know if it was called AI then, but we were looking at ways that things could be improved through really this artificial intelligence. Now I'm not gonna go too deep into this because obviously Audible is owned by Amazon and this, I don't wanna get in trouble, but.

There are certain tools that are used that are similar in a way, I would say, to some of the more common AI tools that we're using today. And you could find somebody who could, I guess, speak the language of AI. And then they would communicate to this tool and you could get some really incredible insights from it. And even back then, I mean, it was was mind blowing. And now what you can see, what AI can do is just phenomenal. mean, AI has been around since the 1950s in some regard.

But today it is just getting the speed of which things are improving and the speed of which people are taking up AI is next level. So I wanted to talk today about one thing that I think people are not doing well when it comes to AI. Now, if you're absolutely new to this, just know that you'll still be able to appreciate today's conversation, even if you're not using AI. And actually, I think it's going to make you a better user of AI than potentially people who are using it, who are not doing this one thing.

So what is the one thing if you're using AI, the absolute most important thing that you can do is consider the data points that you are giving AI. Now you may have seen people calling themselves prompt engineers or selling things like content prompts for AI. That's awesome. That's great. And the content prompt is really the text usually that they're talking about in terms of chat GPT or other, you know, machines like that. It's the prompts. It's the text that you're putting into it.

and people will sell you those prompts. Now, one thing that I think is even more important is to think about the content you already have. Now that could be video content, could be voice notes, could be audio content like a podcast, it could be text based content that you already have as a business that you can enter into these platforms as data that it is then going to learn about you and learn about your tone of voice and learn about the way that you think much quicker.

than a series of prompts that you've potentially bought from somebody who has no idea about your business and is giving you 20 prompts that they're also getting to every single other person in your industry, if not just in business in general. So you want to be thinking about with AI, what are the most important things that it needs to know about you? Now, this could be a series of documentation. Like I said, could be tone of voice documents. It could be, you know, your best, most...

perfect email that you sent out that had an incredible open rate, incredible click through rate. It could be you just talking, talking to it, you know, using voice notes, using something that is very natural and sounds like you and has context because that is what's really important for AI to have context around things to be able to then give you the best possible outcome or result. A large part of AI is really is the tool really predicting or understanding what you are asking it to do.

And the more context or the more information that you can give it first before even putting in the request, the better outcome you're going to have. A large part of a great result with AI is patterns. The AI has identified patterns and is kind of using that pattern recognition to then create a result, whether that's like a piece of content, whether it's something else that you're looking up and it's going to create that great result by looking for patterns. And so you'll often see like

If you put into something like chat GPT, if you put a basic prompt like write a 400 word email to small business owners on why it's hard to run a small business, it will look at what's out there in the internet and it will look at it very, very quickly, know, speed of light like computers can, but it will often come back with a really cheesy email that has lots of exclamation marks and a particular tone that's kind of awkward to read.

And it's doing that because it's seeing within instance that a lot of the content out there that is aimed at small business owners has that sort of cheesy tone of voice. It has that kind of cheesy undertone and like, hey, entrepreneur. And if you don't want that because that's not your tone and that's not how you speak to people, then it's going to need some content input from you, some data input from you. So the more that you can give it, the more it will go, okay, I understand. now, I've now looked at, you know, 17 data points that you've given me.

And I can see the patterns. finding the recognition of the patterns. I'm recognizing it very quickly. And then I can return that back to you in your content in a way that actually sounds like you because I've understood these. I've recognized these patterns and I've pulled that context out of the data points that you have given me as an AI tool so that I can then return that to you in a way that sounds like you or that definitely is going to.

connect with your audience in a way that you would have connected with. So instead of using AI to just come up with stuff from scratch, which is what a large majority of people are using, and then they're going, but when I use it, it doesn't really sound like me or gosh, it uses language I would never use, or it's got a tone of voice that's very old school, or it's got a tone of voice that's very cheesy or whatever it is. It's often because the data points haven't been there to help it to start with. So it's almost like saying to a child, hey, can you do this and that? But you haven't actually given them any context.

or haven't shown them how you've done it previously. Like if you're saying to a child, can you tidy up your room or can you bake a cake, but you haven't given them any sort of instructions, you haven't shown, this is how I normally tidy up or this is what I normally do, then they're just gonna randomly do it and you'll be like, they didn't do it the right way. It's the same with AI. Try and think of it. mean, AI, even though it has been around since the 1950s in some regard, currently, it's current sort of iteration, it's in its infancy. So,

It's going to be as good as we can make it. And I absolutely believe in AI. think it's here. So just embrace it. But if I can give people one point is to think about the data points you are giving it. Think about the content and the context you're feeding into your AI tools. So again, if you're interested in AI for your business, we are going to start a monthly catch up about AI. It's going to be casual. It's going to be really informative.

And wherever possible, I'm going to show you real life examples of how you can use it in your business, including what sort of data points to put in and where do you get that stuff from and how to test it and tweak it, because it is here. It is absolutely here to stay. I think it's incredible. I think the amount that it can do for us now is next level. And as somebody who's built their business around having more time back then, I love this sort of stuff. But you have to learn how to use it properly.

So if you're interested in that, you can sign up at [mydailybusiness.com/AI](https://mydailybusiness.com/AI). And if you've got any questions, you can always just email us [hello@mydailybusiness.com](). The links to that and to anything else that I've talked about will be available in the show notes for this, which you can find at mydailybusiness.com/podcast/457. Thanks so much for listening. I'll see you next time. Bye.

Thanks for listening to the My Daily Business podcast. For a range of tools to help you grow and start your business, including coaching programs, courses, and templates, check out our shop at [mydailybusiness.com/shop](https://mydailybusiness.com/shop). And if you want to get in touch, you can do that via email. [hello@mydailybusiness.com](mailto:hello@mydailybusiness.com), or you can hit us up on Instagram at [@mydailybusiness_](https://www.instagram.com/mydailybusiness_/). You can find us on TikTok at [@mydailybusiness](https://www.tiktok.com/@mydailybusiness) or find me, Fiona Killackey on LinkedIn. I look forward to connecting.


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