Episode 65: How To Find The Right Email Addresses To Contact for Collaborations and Invitations

In this quick tip episode, Fiona shares the tool she uses when looking for the right person to email if you're going to go after sponsorship, partnerships or collaboration. Listen now and learn more about hunter.io.

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • Improving your marketing for 2021

  • Finding the right email addresses

  • Using hunter.io

  • Conclusion

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode transcript: 

Hello and welcome to Episode 65 of My Daily Business Coach podcast. I hope your 2021 is off to a really good start.

I wanted to share in this quick tip or tool or tactic episode a really great tool that is going to help you in business, particularly if 2021 is a year for you, that you are trying to really increase your brand awareness, trying to create connections, collaborate with new people and just really get out there. This is a really fantastic tool that is definitely going to help you. Now, just a reminder, if you've been listening to this podcast, you'll know that I offer all sorts of things from business coaching to online products.

And if you're starting 2021 and you're sort of thinking, oh, my goodness, I really need to get my marketing sorted this year, enough of the ad hoc scattergun approach to it, then definitely check out my online self-paced course marketing for your small business and you can check that out at marketingforyoursmallbusiness.com. Or you can go to mydailybusinesscoach.com and find it there. But it's definitely going to really walk you through everything that you need to know to create a fantastic marketing plan for 2021 and beyond.

Anyway, that said, let's get into today's Quick Tip episode, which is also really going to help you this year. All right, let's go.

All right, so I have worked as a journalist and a writer on the side of running my own business for, you know, I've run my own business for about five, six years now. I'm into my sixth year actually this year. But prior to that, I've also been a published writer from the very early 2000s onwards.

And I'm always going to do that. I'm always going to be a writer on the side. It is not a huge part of my business, but it's something I really enjoy. And so that journalist kind of aspect in me led me to find this fantastic tool, which definitely has changed over the years. And it's not as integrated with maybe sites like LinkedIn that it used to be, but it's still a really good tool. So the tool I'm talking about today is Hunter.io and it's a tool online where you can literally put in any website address and it will give you the email format for contacting people as well as actual email addresses of people that work at that business.

Now, you might be like, well, why do I need that for? Often what can happen is particularly if you're going to go after sponsorship, partnerships, collaboration, or even just trying to find the right person to email to request an interview for, say, somebody becoming a guest on your podcast. It can be really hard because you'll just come up against a lot of hello@, info@, contactus@, support@, and you won't actually have a direct email address.

And I'm not sponsored by any of these people, I should say. It's just a really good tool. Hunter allows you to search up to 50 companies or people a month for free. It used to integrate with LinkedIn and in the late I think it was late 2018 - they stopped that, which was really annoying because it actually used to just be an API plugin so that when you went into LinkedIn, you could hook up your hunter.io account and you could find people's instant email addresses.

Now it works not as well as that, but it still works well. So say, for instance, you wanted to contact me directly. And so everywhere we have hello@mydailybusinesscoach.com, that's not my email that goes through to a shared inbox. So myself and my virtual assistant and my virtual assistant mainly manages all of that so I can view those emails. But she's in charge of getting back to people and all sorts of stuff, keeping that all organized.

My direct email address is a little bit different. And if you use Hunter.io you can literally just put in mydailybusinesscoach.com and it will spit out the email addresses attached to mydailybusinesscoach.com. Now, that is just a fantastic way of reducing the time it takes you to research to find these or potentially even calling companies. And quite often they don't give out direct email addresses. And so it's not a kind of like stock at all, but it's just a really great tool that if you were coming up with lists or even something that you might want to outsource to a virtual assistant and sort of saying, "OK, can you get the direct email address for these twenty people that I want to invite to an event or these 30 people that I'm trying to talk to about being on their podcast?"

It's just a fantastic tool and you can find it just at Hunter.io. And there are a bunch of other tools like this now, like all of these tools that do have paid versions of it. But the free one, like I said, it gives you up to 50 searches a month. If you are doing a lot more than that, you might just want to sign up for a month and pay for it, get all your stuff done and then stop your subscription.

Or depending on how your business works, maybe you want to sign up for ages if you are really in the sales area or you're contacting a lot of people. So that is the quick tip, tool or tactic episode for today. I hope you found it useful if you do find it useful, I would absolutely love it if you could review. It just helps other small business owners like you find this podcast.

Of course, you'll find links to everything that we're talking about over at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/65 as this is episode 65.

Thank you so much for listening. I'll see you next time. 

Thanks for listening to My Daily Business Coach podcast. If you want to get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram at @mydailybusinesscoach.


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