Episode 451: What comes after the "win"?

In this episode, Fiona  focuses on an essential question for life and business: "What happens after the win?" She emphasizes the importance of considering the aftermath of any major achievement or launch. Tune in!

You'll Learn How To: 

  • The importance of thinking about "what happens after the win."

  • How to plan beyond the launch of a book, website, or other big projects.

  • Fiona’s experience writing her two books

  • Examples of focusing on life events

  • Strategic planning for conferences and trade shows.

  • The need to maintain momentum after significant milestones.

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Welcome to episode 451 of the My Daily Business podcast. Today is a quick tip episode, and this is one you can apply to so many areas of life and business. It's something that I work with clients on all the time, and also something I ask myself when I'm looking at trying to achieve a pretty big goal or a pretty big project or something else big in the business. Before I get stuck into that, I want to let you know How to Get Your Book Published a course and coaching program is kicking off in October. If you have ever wanted to get a book published by a traditional publisher, they pay you to write the book, and you get all of those things in advance, as opposed to saying it's self-publishing or other publishing deals. Make sure you go and enrol in it.

Honestly, it'll save you so much time Googling so much stress when you're in the midst of potentially going through your contract with them, figuring out your rights as an author, and all of that stuff. In this particular round, I'm going to be including audio books because I recently sold the rights to both of my books through my publisher to an audio company. One of them is now on Audible, Spotify and all the other places. The first book, Passion Purpose Profit. We are in the middle of recording, but all of that is also going to be included in this as well. If you want to check that out, you can go to mydailybusiness.com/courses and be part of the next cohort, which is happening in October 2024. If you're reading this at some other point, you can always just go to mydailybusiness.com/courses and see what's coming up. The other thing I wanted to mention is I want to pay my respects to the traditional owners and custodians of these beautiful lands on which I record this podcast. I live, I work, I play, I create these courses, and that is the Wurrung and Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. And I pay my respects to their elders past and present and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. Let's get into today's quick tip episode.

As I said at the start, this particular tip can be applied to so many parts of life, and it's simple on the surface, but sometimes it doesn't feel simple to answer it. But this simple question is to ask yourself what happens after the win. For example, let's say recently I put out the second book Business to Brand. And if you haven't checked it out, you can go and check it out at all online retailers at a local bookshop, your library. You can also find it on our website under mydailybusiness.com. And that book was about two years in the making. Two years between getting the offer from the publisher Hardie Grant to getting the book out. I think I got the offer in around October 2022. It's a massive deal to write a book, and my hat goes off to anyone who's ever written a book, whether you've self-published, traditionally published, or whatever the format, it takes a lot of work, it takes a lot of effort.

For me, both of my books, Passion Purpose Profit and now Business to Brand, were done on top of my normal business. I was looking after the kids with this particular book. I was moving house, selling our other house, doing a whole bunch of travel, working through all the different programs and courses and all the parts that are just normal in my business, as well as just life. It's a huge chunk of work, but what happens, I see this quite a bit, and I've worked with a lot of people on their book ideas, and now we have the course, How to Get Your Book Published. And I see so many people focus on just the book, like, I've got to get the book out. And the question to ask yourself is what happens after? What is the objective after getting the book out?

What will that book lead to? What else needs to happen for you to achieve those things? Say, for example, in both of our books, we have a way to direct people to our website to download like worksheets, to download a workbook. In that case, we are capturing those email addresses and we're able to create relationships with those people. It's not the fact that they just picked up a book, it's the fact that what is that relationship that we want them to have with us after they've read the book or after they've been lent the book by somebody or after they've borrowed it from the library? Likewise, let's say you have a big website that you're about to relaunch or a new collection or some other part of your business, it's like we can focus so much on the launch, so much on the big event, or so much on the date that everything goes live and not think about the after.

This concept is not new, it's not revolutionary, but I think it's something that so many people fail to think about what happens after. This has drummed home to me almost 12 and a half years ago now when I was first pregnant with my eldest son. We had him in the UK. My sister is a GP, she specializes in all sorts of things, but she has delivered hundreds of babies. I remember I was on a phone call with her, she also has three children of her own. I was so focused on the birth, and I had my birth plan and I was doing hypnobirthing classes, and I was doing all this preparation. I read every book that's out there, and I was talking to her about this, and I remember her saying, that's great.

It's great that you want to be empowered and all the things for your birth, but the most important thing is what comes after, because that birth, yes, it's very important. However, it is day one of the rest of your life of being a parent. When I think about it, if I'm honest, I read so many books about birth, so many did I read very many books on parenting. Pretty much not. Likewise, so many of us, if we choose to get married, focus so much on the wedding, unlike the wedding and what it's going to be like, and who's the photographer and what videos are we going to have? And now they have Instagram hashtags and all these other things. Yet their wedding is like day one of a marriage that you're going to have to work out and put effort into and commit to if you so choose, and if it's the right fit for the rest of your life.

That's the question to ask yourself. If you are in the midst of about to launch something, or you've got some big plan for the business in 2025, or you're launching your first podcast, or you want to write a book or whatever it is, what happens after? What happens after? Because if you put so much emphasis just on the launch or just on the new website getting out, it's like, cool. But then what happens? When do we review the website? When are we going to check that this and this and or that is working with a book? What do we want to happen six months after the book comes out? What do we want to happen by the first anniversary of that book coming out? There's so much emphasis, and I think it goes to the society we are living in where it's just all about instant.

But what happens after? What are we doing to ensure that that website continues to be fantastic? What are we doing to ensure that that collaboration partnership continues to bring in and leverage things that we are working on to make it so good at the start in the future? Likewise, with the book courses, anything that you're doing, if you're going to speak at a huge event, maybe you've been officially signed up to speak at a giant conference that you've wanted to do for years and years and years, it's like, what happens after? And that also then leads you to go, let's say for example, the conference, if you're like after that, I would like to have made 10 connections in, let's say you're Australian and you're speaking at a US conference. I would like to have made 10 connections there. Then before that conference, how am I finding out who's going to be attending?

Am I doing polls on social media? Am I getting people to DM me? Am I connecting with people on LinkedIn that are going to be there so that I have the best possible chance of not just creating and having a great experience at the conference, but having those things that I wanted to happen? Likewise, trade shows. That's a perfect example. I work with people all the time who are doing trade shows, and when I say, what's the objectives outside of, yes, we want to get some stockers or more stockers or whatever it is, but are you looking at media from that trade show? Are you looking at connecting with certain buyers that are going to be there? Are you looking at getting a whole bunch of emails onto some email list? Whether you're running a competition at your store or something else, that's an incentive for people to give you their email address so that after the trade show you can do X, Y, Z.

That is the question for today. What happens after the win? And I've just called it the win. It could be anything. But what happens after so much of our focus is just on getting to that point, getting the book out, getting the book launched, getting the course done, relaunching the website, and rebranding, what happens after? That is it for today's quick tip episode. If you want to go through this in text format or the link to the course I mentioned, How to Get Your Book Published, you can find that at mydailybusiness.com/podcast/451. Thank you so much for reading. I'll see you next time. Bye. 


Episode 452: Jenny Matek of Studio Jenka


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